Thank you, Janine from Echidna Walkabout in Victoria, Australia
Here's an update from
The Bush about a very special lady!

Marpeang is a lovely mature brunette (koala). She has a special man in her life - Benbo - and together they keep watch over the north-east of our koala research area. They spend quite a lot of time together, more than would be expected just for breeding.
Then, in May this
year, Wildlife Guide Martin noticed that Marpeang was not looking well.
She had what appeared to be a respiratory infection. He called Koala
Researcher Donna, who is also a registered Wildlife Carer, and she went out
that day to check on her. Donna decided that she had to come into hospital to
be treated.Marpeang is a lovely mature brunette (koala). She has a special man in her life - Benbo - and together they keep watch over the north-east of our koala research area. They spend quite a lot of time together, more than would be expected just for breeding.
Roger and I were away in Scandinavia, but that didn’t stop our team.
Wildlife Guides Martin, Scott and Koala Researchers Mary, Donna and Melinda converged on the You Yangs the following day. But Marpeang had other ideas – she was very high in her tree. You can’t believe how difficult it is to capture a koala high up in the gum-tree – some of our trees are 30metres (100feet) high! They tried the normal method, but she wouldn’t budge. Martin climbed the tree, she wouldn’t budge. After hours they have to give up. For the next week every Guide and Researcher monitored her.
<Martin starting to climb her tree
Finally, a few days later she was spotted low down and Donna dropped everything and was there within the hour. They succeeded in capturing her. But that was just the beginning of a long saga.
Read how Marpeang was treated and finally released (and see some amazing pics including an Xray)... at our blog: How important is wildlife care? Marpeang's story